Choir and music at St. Mary's
The choir at St. Mary’s are always happy to welcome new singers. You don’t have to be able to read music in order to join! We are a very friendly group who sing at the 10am Eucharist each Sunday morning and also at the major festivals during the year such as Christmas and Easter.
Rehearsals are at 9am on Sunday mornings, so there is no need to go out on cold wet, dark winter evenings!
If this is something that might interest you, why not contact our organist and choirmaster Francis Eastwood, email him at, or just pop along one Sunday morning for an informal chat.
Music for March services...
Sunday 2nd March: Transfiguration Before the Service - Josef Rheinberger, Cantilene from Sonata 11 Mass setting - Murray Introit - 365 Jesus, these eyes have never seen (T: 69) Gradual - 397 Light of the minds that know him (T: 637) Offertory - 655 The Lord will come and not be slow Communion - 448 Meekness and majesty Recessional - 100 Christ is the world’s true light (T:474) Anthem - Eastwood, Give to our God Organ voluntary - Theodore Salomè Marche Gothique

Wednesday 5th March: Ash Wednesday 10am service in the church Before the Service - David StokesArea ‘In Pardisum’ (Be Still Vol 1) Introit - 190 Forty days and forty nights Offertory - 412 Lord Jesus think on me Recessional - 144 Lead us heavenly Father Organ voluntary - Arthur Robson Chorale prelude ‘Aus der tiefe’ (Be Still Vol 1)
Sunday 9th March: Lent I Before the Service - John Ireland Sursum Corda Mass setting - Addington Introit - 190 Forty days and forty nights Gradual - 412 Lord Jesus, think on me Offertory - 343 Jesu, lover of my soul After the intercessions - 938 O Lord hear my prayer Communion - 574 Purify my heart Recessional - 609 Songs of thankfulness and praise Anthem - Shephard, And didst thou travel light dear Lord Organ voluntary - C V Stanford, No 1 from ‘6 Postludes’
Sunday 16th March: Lent II Before the Service - G Thalben-Ball Elegy Mass setting - Addington Introit - 642 The God of Abraham praise Gradual- 489 O God, beyond all praising After the intercessions - 938 O Lord hear my prayer Offertory - 626 Take up thy cross Communion - 340Jerusalem the golden Recessional - 756 Ye servants of God Anthem - Marcello, Give ear unto me Organ voluntary - Alle menschen Müssen sterben J S Bach
Sunday 23rd March: Lent III Before the Service - Erbarm’ dich mein J S Bach Mass setting - Addington Introit - 723 We sing the praise of him who died Gradual - 327 In the Cross of Christ I glory After the intercessions - 938 O Lord hear my prayer Offertory - 174 Firmly I believe and truly Communion - 105Christ whose glory fills the sky Recessional - 19 All my hope on God is founded Anthem - Goss, O Saviour of the World Organ voluntary - Mendelssohn Finale, Organ sonata no. 6
Sunday 30th March: Lent IV - Mothering Sunday Before the Service - George Oldroyd, Liturgical improvisation No. 1 Mass setting - Various Introit - 29 Amazing grace Gradual - 23 All that I am Offertory - 305 I danced in the morning Communion - 72 Bind us together Recessional - 184 For the beauty of the earth Anthem - None Organ voluntary - C V Stanford, No 5 from ‘6 Postludes’